A Girl's Guide

How to Choose Your First Sex Toy

Feb 19, 2024

How to Choose Your First Sex Toy - Shopping & Things

Hello ladies! Are you curious about Sex Toys but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry girl, we’ve got you! In this Girl's Guide to Sex Toys we'll explore the benefits of using a sex toy and the differences between Clitoral Vibrators, Rabbit Vibrators, Couples Toys & more! Follow our checklist on how to choose and use your first sex toy! So, let’s dive in... Your Pleasure awaits!

In today’s world, as women we are encouraged to embrace our sexuality and explore our desires freely. We are told we should feel empowered, confident and to love our bodies without judgement. But what does this mean and how to we do it? Let us offer one simple suggestion... Buy a Sex Toy! 

While sex toys have often been thought of as a tool to enhance pleasure during partnered sex, they can also be wonderful way to start our journey of self-discovery and sexual exploration. Some women feel more comfortable using a sex toy for the first-time during solo-play as it can be a less pressurised way to figure out what floats our boat! This kind of self-knowledge is empowering and may help us feel more confident to tell our partners what we’re in to (if and when we choose to do so).

But there's no right or wrong when exploring the world of sex toys. For some women it's more fun to kick off the adventure with our partners, making exploration a team effort and enhancing intimacy along the way. As long as consent, communication and comfort for all parties are prioritised, the choice is yours!

 The Benefits of Sex Toys

First let's talk about the perks of using sex toys! They're not just for fun in the bedroom (although we’d highly recommend it), they're like little mood-boosters for your overall health and well-being! Here’s why:

  • Supercharged Pleasure: Whether you're flying solo or with a partner, sex toys are like adding sprinkles to your ice cream - they just add something extra! Incorporating a sex toy into your intimate moments can provide sensations and experiences that are difficult to achieve through manual stimulation alone. Most women need some form of clitoral stimulation to get us across the finish line, and vibrators (or other types of sex toys) can help get us there with ease!
  • Stress Buster: Yep, you heard it right! Using sex toys can actually help reduce your stress. Orgasms trigger the release of dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins, which help promote relaxation and well-being, and reduce the stress hormone cortisol. This can play a huge role in boosting our mood, improving brain function, and improving our overall health. An orgasm a day can, quite literally, keep the doctor away!
  • Sweet Dreams: Who knew getting off could lead to better sleep? Well, it's true! The relaxation and emotional release that come with orgasms can help improve sleep quality so you can catch those much-needed Z's. We all know quality sleep is crucial for our overall health and well-being, and in our opinion, there’s no better to get it than hitting the big O as often as possible!
  • Self-Love & Confidence: Sex toys allow you to play with your body without the fear of judgement, shame, or guilt. They allow you to take your time as you explore yourself, discovering erogenous zones or kinks you may not have been aware of, or exploring hidden fantasies you can’t yet voice aloud. Sex toys make you feel good, and that good feeling spills into the love and appreciation you feel your body. As such, sex toys generally improve your confidence and self-esteem, making you feel comfortable in your own skin.
  • Intimacy Boost: And let's not forget about the benefits to partner play! Sex toys can be like the ultimate wingmen, bringing you and your partner closer together, breaking down barriers, encouraging communication and deepening your connection. A common misconception is that using a sex toy means you aren’t truly satisfied with your partner alone, but this truly is not the case. Even the most fulfilling sex life can be enhanced by exploring these experiences together. Generally speaking, couples who explore new ways of being intimate together tend to fare better in terms of maintaining passion and desire over the long haul.

Types of Sex Toys

Sex toys come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and functions. There truly is something for everyone and every preference. You've probably heard of the classics like the our ever-popular rabbit vibrator or the daring panty vibrator, while others you may be a little less familiar with. Trying to navigate through so many options can often feel overwhelming, so to help you begin your journey of sexual exploration, we’ve narrowed it down and created a list of the most common types of sex toys.

  • Clitoral Vibrators: Vibrators are like the superheroes of the sex toy world! Vibration has proven the most effective type of stimulation to enhance arousal and ensure orgasm. Clitoral vibrators come in various shapes, sizes, and designs, from discreet bullet vibrators to the thrilling and powerful wand vibrators. They also come in many cute & playful designs that don’t look like vibrators at all, like our Avo, Shell & Mushroom shaped vibrators. Clitoral vibrators offer toe-curling clitoral stimulation, and often have various speeds and vibration patterns to explore.
  • Dildos: Dildos are the OGs of penetration pleasure. These sex toys also come in all shapes, sizes, and materials, allowing you to explore your desires and find the perfect fit for your pleasure. Whether you prefer a realistic shape or something more abstract, you’ll find a dildo out there to fulfil your fantasies. Most dildos are non-vibrating and are commonly used by those of us seeking the thrill of pure penetration pleasure, either vaginally, anally, or both. You will find some vibrating dildos on offer, but if you’re looking for the best in clitoral stimulation, they may not be your go-to sex toy.
  • Rabbit Vibrators: If you're looking for the ultimate pleasure experience, look no further than the popular rabbit vibrators. These innovative sex toys combine the power of a clitoral vibrator with the penetrative pleasure of a dildo, offering the best of both worlds! With its two arms, the rabbit vibrator provides delightful dual stimulation of the clitoris and G-Spot simultaneously.
  • Kegel Balls: Kegel balls are small, weighted balls that are pushed inside the vagina and are used to help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles whilst doing pelvic floor exercises (also known as Kegel exercises). They are also known by other names such as love balls, orgasm balls, and pleasure balls because they can also be used for sexual pleasure. Kegals can be placed inside your vagina during solo play to enhance sexual pleasure and sensations while you’re exploring your body or can be used with your partner during foreplay to add a bit of spice to the bedroom. Kegel balls come in various materials, weights, and sizes so you can choose a weight that you’re comfortable with.
  • Anal Toys: If you’re curious about anal play, there are many sex toy options for you to choose from! Consider starting small, with a beginner-friendly butt plug or string of anal beads to test the waters. A great way to explore these new sensations is with our double-ended Rose Vibrator. If you’re looking for something more advanced, you may consider an anal dildo which can create the sensation of double penetration during sex. Always apply a generous amount of lubrication when exploring anal play with our range of Water-Based Lubes.
  • Couples’ Toys: Why keep all the fun to yourself? Couples’ toys are designed to enhance intimacy and pleasure during partner play. From app-controlled vibrators that let your partner take the reins to wearable panty vibrators that amp up the excitement during foreplay, these toys are sure to spice up your bedroom adventures with your partners. App-controlled vibrators are great for long distance couples too. Let your partner push all your right buttons from anywhere in the world by simply using an app on their phone!

Choosing Your First Sex Toy

So, are you ready yet to take the plunge into the exciting world of sex toys? Although you may feel a bit more informed on the subject, selecting which sex toy is the right one for you might still be a daunting (yet exciting!) task. Use this checklist to help you make the best choice:

  • Know Your Purpose: Think about what you want to achieve with your first sex toy. Are you looking to enhance clitoral stimulation, or is penetrative pleasure more your vibe? Perhaps you want a bit of both? Knowing the type of stimulation you want will help you decide if whether you're looking for a Clitoral Vibrator, a Rabbit Vibrator or a Anal Toy. Read our "10 Reasons to Try a Vibrator" to find out why they are the most popular sex toy for women.
  • Do Your Research: Now you know the type of Sex Toy you're looking for, you can start exploring the various designs to choose from. Take some time to read reviews, blog articles, and the detailed descriptions available online to better understand their functions. This will help you find a toy that suits your preferences.
  • Size and Material: Consider the size and material of the sex toy you want. Are you looking for something small and compact that can be easily concealed in your overnight bag, or something bolder and daring in its design? Silicone and body-safe materials are often recommended for their safety and comfort, which is why My Pleasure only offers premium quality silicone.
  • Budget: A superior quality sex toy doesn’t always mean a high cost! You definitely don't have to break the bank when investing in your pleasure, so consider what price range that is right for you when browsing online.
  • Discretion: If privacy is a concern, look for toys that are discreet in their design and that are not too noisy. Shopping online is a great way to keep things private, look for discreet delivery & packaging options when making your purchase. See how My Pleasure protects your privacy by reading our Shipping Information

Using Your New Toy

So, you've picked out your shiny new sex toy - now it's time to dive in and enjoy all the fun it has to offer! Here's your ultimate guide to making the most out of your experience:

  • Read the Instructions: Before you dive into the excitement, take a moment to read the manufacturer's instructions. Trust us, it's worth it to ensure you're using your new toy safely and effectively.
  • Lube it Up: A little lube goes a long way in enhancing your pleasure and reducing any discomfort. Opt for a water-based lube to keep things slick and smooth, with minimal clean up! Water-based lubes are also compatible with condoms and all silicone sex toys. If your sex toy is made from silicone steer clear of silicone-based lubes to avoid damaging it and be cautious when using oil-based lubes as they can damage latex condoms causing them to break.
  • Relax and Communicate: Whether you're flying solo or bringing a partner along for the ride, remember to take your time and enjoy the moment. Communication is key, so don't be afraid to chat with your partner about what feels good and what doesn't. And above all else, never do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, that causes you pain, or that you haven’t consented to!
  • Clean and Store Properly: After the fun is over, it's important to give your toy a little TLC. Clean it thoroughly with a toy cleaner or mild soap and warm water to keep it squeaky clean and ready for your next adventure. Then, store it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to keep it in tip-top shape for many more pleasure-filled sessions to come. For more information read our guide on "How to Keep Your Sex Toys Clean".

Exploring the world of sex toys can be a liberating and empowering experience. It's a journey of self-discovery that can lead to enhanced pleasure, better self-esteem, and improved intimacy. Remember that there's no rush, and the most important thing is to prioritise your comfort and enjoyment. So go ahead, embrace your desires, and enjoy the thrilling adventure that awaits you in the world of sex toys! 

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